
Data and Information Management is a broad and diverse field encompassing various disciplines and practices. It involves a comprehensive integration of people, processes, and technology, spanning from data collection to decision-making. Every organization whether a business office, government agency, nonprofit, educational institution, or medical facility manages substantial volumes of records daily.

Executives and support staff are continuously inundated with data and information in various formats, creating significant challenges in proper management, security, and efficient retrieval. Given this complexity, effective data and information management is essential to organizational success and compliance.

In response to these challenges, one of our primary goals is to provide high-quality education and support materials that facilitate the understanding and application of IIM Certification programs across a wide range of industries and contexts.

The IIM Certification Programs are meticulously designed to include in-depth accredited eLearning and classroom courses, provided by the Institute of Information Management (IIM), to equip professionals with the essential skills and knowledge they need for effective data and information management.

What is IIM Certification Program?

The Institute of Information Management (IIM) Certification Programs are designed to develop professional competence in response to the increasing complexity of data and information management. These programs serve as a strategic resource for grooming qualified professionals, focusing on capacity building, technical expertise, and academic excellence in the fields of data and information management.

Benefits of IIM Certification

Certification: Guarantee of Competence

While the benefits of applying sound data and information management practices vary depending on the organization’s needs, candidates stand to benefit the following after qualifying as IIM Certified professionalss:


  • Validate your information management knowledge, skill and practice
  • Be more engaged in the profession
  • Increase your confidence in ability to do the job
  • Get recognition for your qualification and ability from employers.
  • Remain current and competitive
  • Learn from previous experience
  • Get a transferable credential


  • Optimizes productivity, efficiency and quality of work
  • Builds organizational capacity
  • Creates a positive corporate image
  • Improved quality service provision
  • Obtain services that meet business, customer and user demands
  • Acquire Integrated centralized processes
  • Risk reduction


  • Provides benchmarks and standard of practice
  • Creates a common understanding and language
  • Recognizes knowledge, skill and practice
  • Demonstrable performance indicators.
  • Professional roles and responsibilities defined in service provision.

Who can benefit from IIM Certification?

It is important to consider a range of stakeholders who can benefit from improved knowledge and competence in their career / profession:
These stakeholders could be from any of these backgrounds or disciplines:

Target Audience

* Senior Management
* IT Staff
* Health Information Managers
* Business Analysts
* IT Management
* Document Controllers
* Technical Staff
* Data Managers
* Information Managers
* Information Technician
* Record Management Personnel
* Data/Information Analysts
* Business Unit Managers
* Archivists
* Information Security Staff

* Customers
* Project Engineers
* Business Administrators
* Human Resources Professionals
* IM Coordinators
* Implementation Team (IT and Business)
* Solution Providers, Vendors and Suppliers
* Financial Management Professionals
* Business Executives
* Business Managers
* Change Agents
* Project Managers
* End users
* Information Security Staff
* Other IM related disciplines

IIM CERTIFICATIONS - The Industry Standard for Professional Competence in Data and Information Management


The IIM Certification Program is a uniquely designed industry certification, the first of its kind globally, ensuring that professionals are equipped with the fundamentals of data and information management. Candidates must complete a common and compulsory certification stage before specializing in their chosen data and information management discipline at the Master level.

Achieving IIM Certification is based on one or more of the following criteria:

  • Educational background
  • Professional work experience
  • Successful completion of the required proctored examination(s)


1. Foundation Stage

IIM Foundation Stage is meant for individuals interested in developing a career in data & information management, who lack the required
IMP examination registration requirements/qualifications.

What qualify you for foundation stage?

  • Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (SSCE)
  • Undergraduate
  • Ordinary National Diploma (OND)

2. Compulsory Stages


The Institute of Information Management (IIM) offers three (3) levels of compulsory certification paths:

  • Information Management Professional IMP® - Stage I - 5 Modules
  • Information Management Professional IMP® - Stage II - 5 Modules
  • Information Management Professional IMP® - Stage III - 5 Modules

3. Master Certification

Masters Options

The Institute of Information Management (IIM) offers different master certification options:

  • Certified Data Privacy Professional (CDPP®)
  • Certified Data Protection Officer-Compliance (CDPO-C®)
  • Personnel Data Protection Specialist (PDPS®) 
  • Certified Data Protection Compliance Organization (CDPCO®)
  • Certified Records and Information Management Professional (CRIMP®)
  • Certified Health Information Management Professional (CHIMP®)
  • Certified Document Management Professional (CDMP®)
  • Certified Information Security Professional (CISP®)
  • Certified Geographic Information Systems Professional (CGISP®)
  • Certified Archives Management Professional (CAMP®)
  • Certified Database Management Professional (CDBMP®)
  • Certified Document Management Professional (CDOMP®)
  • Certified Knowledge Management Professional (CKMP®)
  • Certified Library Management Professional (CLMP®)

IIM International Certifications - The Industry Standard for Professional Competence in Data & Information Management

IM Certification Examination

IIM certification requires that candidates attend the pre-certification training classes (Online or Classroom) prior to attempting the certification examination / testing except in a situation where they are applying for exemption(s). To register for certification examination/testing or exemption, all candidates must complete and submit an application form (online/offline) with supporting documentation indicating acceptable work experience and education in case of exemption.


Applicants may not sit for the examination until their credentials (the application form with supporting documentation) have been approved by the Certification/Standards Committee. Applicants who, in the judgment of that Committee, do not furnish adequate written documentation of acceptable education and experience may be offered the opportunity to provide additional supporting material. If acceptable documentation is still not received by the requested date, their files will be closed. They may apply again (as a “Resubmission”) at such time as they can provide the proper documentation.

All applicants will be contacted within two (2) months of their initial application and informed of their status, i.e. approved, requesting additional information or denied.

IM Certification Exemption

The process of exemption require that credentials are reviewed and evaluated by the IIM’s Certification Standards Committee to determine if the requirements for the certification applied for have been met. Evidence of pre-certification training will be required for those taking the examination/testing.

Exemption procedure

Relevant qualifications may be considered for exemption. Exemption shall be granted on the following basis:

Assessment Path


Exam (Professional exams and IIM professional training programmes)

Portfolio–based Assessment Path: Skill Demonstration

Good option for those with many years of professional work experience. Acceptable work experience at the professional level includes the following: conducting studies and surveys or developing, designing and implementing systems; having direct operational or managerial responsibility for programs; or teaching courses for an accredited institution of higher education on a full time basis in relevant field.


Applicants who properly demonstrate achievement of a Bachelor’s degree (Bsc.) or Higher National Diploma (HND) from an accredited institution of higher education must also demonstrate two (2) years of professional experience in any of the five (5) relevant modules at any level of the Certification Programme. Alternatively, two (2) years of relevant professional experience can be substituted for each year of college education.

NB: IIM certification examination is open to registered members of the Institute and non-members.

Pre-Certification training classes

The IIM classroom/online Pre-Certification Training Programs (Bootcamp) are designed in line with the International best practices, and leading to IIM professional designations (IMP I – III) & Master (CDMP®, CHIMP®, CISP®, CRIMP®, CGISP® etc).

Applying for IIM Certification Examination

In all cases, applicants will be required to pay a non-refundable fee of USD 16 for processing. Applicants who fail to meet mandatory qualifications are required to resubmit a new application form (including a new processing fee) if they request reconsideration.

All applicants must be accepted as candidate before applying for either exemption or examinations/testing. In case of examination/testing, a candidate must pass a stage before advancing to the next stage.

Certification Refund Policy

Fees are only refundable if a candidate cancels his/her registration 24 hours prior to their scheduled exam. Candidates must notify the exam administration. Examination/testing application and fees must be submitted to IIM, by the deadline established for each examination. All payments must be in United States currency for foreign candidates not residing in Nigeria. A request for refund will attract an administration fee of 25% of the examination fees paid.